Get To Know Me, By Design

Listen, I think it’s only fair that I bare my BodyGraph to you because you trust me with yours. You already know I’m an advocate for the power of Human Design, so I think it’s important to show that to you through my own. If I’m going to talk the talk, I had better be prepared to walk the walk.

So without further ado, I present to you… Me!

Foundational Chart Of Heather Fisk

This is a foundational look into my Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, Incarnation Cross, Definition and Manifestation Style

Energy Type: Generator

My gift is to create and lift up the energy of the world

I am an energetic life force and a natural doer. I’m gifted at lifting the world by doing what lights me up. My energy is magnetic and open and feels like a giant warm embrace that wraps people up. I was born with an abundance of energy that can last all day long if I’m doing the right things. It may be a surprise to me that not everyone has the same or similar energy levels.

People around me benefit from the radiance coming from within me, which is why it’s essential that I only do things that I deeply love to my core. The more that I follow that light, the more energy will pour from me which allows everyone around me to live correctly for themselves too.

It’s critical that I pay attention to how I use my energy and what I commit myself to. Naturally, I am capable of doing a lot of things and will feel compelled to see them through to the end. Just because I can doesn’t mean I should–not everything is worthy of my energy. I am to use my gut as my guide letting me know if something is a big HECK YES or not. There is no in-between, it either activated my sacral or it doesn’t. It’s as easy as that.

The emotional markers are:

Satisfaction is my signature theme, letting me know I am aligned.

Frustration is my not-self theme, letting me know I am out of alignment.

Fun Facts About Generators:

  • About 35-38% of the population are Generators

  • Some of my famous Generator friends are Beyonce, Oprah, Dolly Parton and Albert Einstein

  • We have a tendency to over-commit, so the remedy is to practice saying “NO!”

  • Because we’re ruled by our guts, we can make decisions really fast, which is where the saying “If it’s not a heck yes, it’s a heck no” comes from

Strategy: TO Respond

My energy is magnetic and always pulling things toward me to respond to

It’s my job to decide what is worth saying “YES” or “No” to. My gut responds to things outside of me and it’s my role to wait for the things that excite my gut before I commit myself to it. While I’m waiting for things to respond to, it’s important to use my energy for things I already know I love and trust that the more that I follow my satisfaction and feel lit up, the Universe will continue sending more and more aligned opportunities for me to respond to.

I am here to let life come to me rather than to chase it.

Authority: Emotional [aka solar plexus]

My intuition comes through my deep emotions and waiting for clarity

I feel the depth of life and have to give myself space to process things over time before responding to opportunities. In other words, I need to ride my emotional wave and feel the highs and lows before I get a clear answer of what to do. Even when I feel like I instantly know, it’s crucial I still give myself a little time to allow for any emotional urges to settle. I am meant to really love my decisions over time versus at the moment, so waiting for an emotionally neutral state is the best way for me to truly honour this.

Profile: 4/6 – The Opportunistic Role Model

I love making connections and I influence others through my life experiences

My role in this lifetime is to be a role model for the people in my life to learn from (you’re welcome). One part of me loves being in connection and community with others, always finding new opportunities. I enjoy sharing what I have learned and can be incredibly influential when doing so. I’m intriguing and magnetic and can have a conversation with just about anyone. The other part of me is growing and wants to move away from experience and start integrating the lessons I’ve learned. My wisdom ages like fine wine and as I get older, the more I learn to honour the ability to observe and be an example.

I’m here to mature through a three-phase life. Before the age of 30, it was all trial and error and the need to learn lessons on my terms. From 30-50, I now have the ability to take those lessons and integrate them into my life. Finally, from the age of 50 and beyond, I enter the true embodiment of the Role Model, taking the lessons and integrations and sharing what I’ve learned.

I’m here to find success through lived experiences and connecting with others.

Incarnation Cross: Right Angle Cross Of Penetration [53/54 | 51/57]

My purpose is to follow my ambitions and get straight to the point

The core theme of my life falls within my gift of seeing expansion and what can lead to transformation. I have a purpose in my excitement for possibility and starting something new. What grounds me is my drive to make money, to be successful and to achieve my goals. Another part of my purpose is my ability to shock others with the new heights I reach in life. This also helps me to trust my deep intuition. My life path involves being totally immersed in deep self-exploration and learning to live as authentically as possible. My experiences and wisdom are meant to inspire the world to grow.

I am meant to serve the world through my gifts of beginnings, ambition, shock and intuition.

Definition: Collaborative

I work well in collaboration with others

The energetic flow of my Body Graph is split into two sections, which makes me an innate expert in collaboration. I crave deep connections to others and often find a sense of wholeness when I find the right people. Working with or having the support of others is important to everything I do because of the energetic exchange I feel; this can come from a conversation, working with clients or simply sitting with someone while we work on achieving a shared outcome. I’m here to teach the world the benefit of partnerships and have wisdom about navigating relationships.

Manifestation Style: Non-Specific

I manifest when I get less specific and align with the feeling of what I desire

It’s helpful for me to align with feeling what I desire and trusting that the Universe will surprise and delight me with the details. Nitty-gritty details can overwhelm me and ultimately distract me from attracting what I really want in life, which is why it’s key for me to zoom out and not get caught up on the details. It’s my job to decide what I want and then trust the Universe to pick on my essence and take care of the rest, it can do a far better job of sorting out the details than I could ever imagine. For me, slowing down and dropping expectations helps to amplify my ability to receive. Focusing on where I want to go, trusting the process and enjoying the journey will help me open up to new opportunities, worlds and timelines.

Your Turn!

Your Turn!

Want to get to know your Human Design?

  • "I am SO GRATEFUL for Heather. Her flexibilty, support, encouragement, kicks in the bootie, all the things! Truly mean the world to me. I value this container and Her."

  • "Heather is super fun & her magnetic personality makes you want to know more, learn more, and integrate it into your life! There's just so much to know and she is a well of knowledge. It's worth it. Just book your session right now!"

  • "Sitting down with Heather and having her explain my Human Design was so informative and eye opening!! It truly is like having a user manual to your own self/life!!! You can even go back to times in your life and have a-ha moments as to why things went a certain way. I wish I would have know about Human Design earlier."

  • "Heather Is an amazing coach! She really helped me move through a lot of my crap to get me going in my new business. I'm grateful for her and her reminders to keep moving forward. You rock girl!"

  • "It's all clicking! This entire Human Design experiment is feeling so real for me now. The only way I can describe it is easy. Like my only job is to trust, have faith, surrender and follow the things that excite me. I feel like on some level I've alwasy known this but now it's like i can truly embody it."

  • "To this day, if I’m ever struggling in my work, she is my go-to person to text or call to help me break it down. If you’re deciding to work with Heather, you’ve made a really great choice because you are about to a hell of a lot more LIT in your life!"

  • "Heather is a positive light to my life, but is also who can ‘call you out’ per se in a way to help you recognize a different perspective or meaning to a sometimes difficult situation. Not only is she a coach, but she easily becomes your new BFF. "

  • "I have worked with Heather for a couple of years now. Having gone through a major life change in 2018, I knew she was someone I could go to to help reignite my spirit and ultimately change my mindset."

